Maths Term 3 - Directions

Position and orientation

Give and follow instructions for movement that involve distances, directions, and half or quarter turns.

Teacher voice; Well done, Sarah, you have a good understanding of directions including half and quarter turns as well as your left and right.

Art Attack

Art Attack

For art attack this year, we were inspired by Raewyn Harris and 
the myth of Kupe and the Giant Wheke. 

Here is my art work:

My Self Assessment

I gave myself a Relational.

I gave myself a Relational.

I gave myself a Multistructural.

Writing Term 3

Writing (Experiments)

This term we have been integrating writing and science. Every week we get to become scientist and make predictions of what could happen during experiments.


Learning Intention:
I am learning to make a prediction about an experiment.

Success Criteria:

I know I am successful when I can make a prediction and share my reasons for making it.